Chuột quang không dây Genius DX-6810

Mã hàng: Còn hàng 3269
Giá: 350.000đ [Giá đã bao gồm VAT]
Giá thị trường:
Bảo hành: 12 tháng
    • 2.4Ghz technology for anti-interference and power saving mode
    • 1200 dpi infrared sensor technology at a lower power consumption level
    • Innovative battery compartment design for AA or AAA battery
    • Ergonomic design and hand grip for great working comfort
    • Using only one AA battery allows you to use the mouse for up to 18 months*
      *Battery life may vary based on usage and battery conditions.
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Mô tả chi tiết Chuột quang không dây Genius DX-6810

5 Button Green Wireless Optical Mouse

Part NO. Silver:31030110101;Red:31030110102;Purple:31030110103
Buttons 5
Battery One AA alkaline battery
RF frequency 2.4GHz
Resolution(dpi) 1200 dpi Infrared
Stick-N-Go YES

System Requirements

  • Windows® 8 /Vista/XP or Mac OSX 10.4+
  • Available USB Port
Thông số kỹ thuật

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