Tai nghe Headphone Genius GHP-02V

Mã hàng: Còn hàng 4061
Giá: 195.000đ [Giá đã bao gồm VAT]
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Mô tả chi tiết Tai nghe Headphone Genius GHP-02V

Vivid earphones for music


Here is one of the best looking set of earphones being released to the market, the GHP-02V. It has colorful ear-buds in a golden finish and it looks really attractive with any audio product. GHP-02V is lightweight, compact and ideal for listening to music or the radio from your portable audio player. The in-line volume control makes it really simple for you to control the volume of the music. Also the gold plate 3.5mm connector reduces distortion as well. An additional pair of silicone ear buds are included. Contact your sales representative for more information.
Key features:
  • In-line volume control
  • Gold plate connector
  • Colorful ear-bud
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