Tai nghe Logitech Clear Chat Style

Mã hàng: Còn hàng 3965
Giá: 495.000đ [Giá đã bao gồm VAT]
Giá thị trường:
Bảo hành: 03 tháng
  • Logitech ClearChat® Style Tai nghe nhạc gồm Micro Thoải mái và thời trang,thiết kế ôm sau đầu
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Mô tả chi tiết Tai nghe Logitech Clear Chat Style

Logitech ClearChat® Style


Interchangeable colors

Color plates in red, blue, orange, or black let you customize your headset.

Behind-the-head design

It helps you stay comfortable hour after hour.

Rotating, adjustable boom

You can position the microphone where it picks up your voice best—and rotate it out of the way when you’re not talking.

In-line audio controls

You can instantly adjust the volume and mute the microphone.

Noise-canceling microphone

You won’t have to compete with background noise to be heard—even in a noisy room.

Ideal for PC communications

Your headset is ideal for voice and video chat, music, gaming, movies, voice recognition, and more.

Technical Specifications

    • Frequency response:
      headset: 20-20,000 Hz
      microphone: 100-10,000Hz
    • Sensitivity: -59 dBV/uBAR, -39 dBV/Pascal +/-3dB
    • 20 cm (8') shielded cord with 3.5 mm analog plugs

Package Contents

  • Logitech® ClearChat® Style Headset
  • User guide
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