Case mini và nguồn - Rất đẹp !!!

Mã hàng: Hết hàng 6503
Giá: 650.000đ [Giá đã bao gồm VAT]
Giá thị trường:
Bảo hành: 12 tháng
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Mô tả chi tiết Case mini và nguồn - Rất đẹp !!!

Product Description

Advanced punching craftwork, edges rolled up harmless to hands
Excellent SGCC materials for firm structure
8 or 12 cm fan can be installed on the front board, good thermal dispersion
Air-duct on the left panel is dust-proof designed
4 CD-ROM and 4 HDDs are of tool-free installation and convenient detachment
A number of transparent left panel designs for careful choosing
Panel uses high quality ABS material with noble looks, elegant appearance, and comfortable feel
Front panel adopts advanced iron-net craftwork for better thermal dispersion and radiation protection
External panel adopts the right-pull revolving door
Installs 4 USB and 1394 ports inside up to Intel standards
Internal panel with dust-proof design
Cool blue headlight shows its distinguished status

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