Mouse dây rút Micro traveler Genius

Mã hàng: Còn hàng 6213
Giá: 179.000đ [Giá đã bao gồm VAT]
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Mô tả chi tiết Mouse dây rút Micro traveler Genius

Micro Traveler
Super mini notebook mouse


Come and experience the most mobile and super mini size optical mouse for a notebook from Genius~ Micro Traveler.

Featuring an advanced 1200 dpi optical sensor, Micro Traveler has incredible smooth tracking performance for cursor movement to let you browse documents or Internet pages more efficiently. Plus it’s super mini size 74mm with easy to store retractable cable and light weight design for any mini notebook is definitely providing more comfort feature than the notebook touch pad.

Thus, for a high mobility notbook mouse, there is nothing better than Micro Traveler. Contact your sales representive now for more information.

Key features:
  • Super mini size notebook mouse with retractable cable
  • Easy plug and play USB interface
  • Great portability and better comfort than notebook touch pad
  • Advanced precision control with 1200 dpi optical engine
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